Kabbalistic Healings work at a deeply foundational level to make everything you learn and experience take root more easily.
— Sharon Rosen

Kabbalistic Healing is a subtle, profound and exquisite healing process to help us return to the essential true self. When the healer embodies the unified state of being, both the one being healed and the healer enter the holy ground of being. 

In a Kabbalah session, nothing is excluded; everything is included and reflected in the Tree of Life which includes the unknowable divine and the many ways the divine manifests in human life. Each session begins in the Now, starting from where you are. I witness your experience and at the same time hold a larger perspective of who you truly are, aware of both. After listening to your situation and in conversation, together we spiral down to what is at the core of the problem. As we are doing this, I am also sensing the sephirot, divine qualities or themes of your personal Tree of Life, looking at where you are in harmony at this time, and where your Tree is disharmonious. I am also silently cognizant of where I am in this process, what is me and what is you. I am present with all of this as the healing, most aligned with the content of this session, is revealed. Then in deep meditation, I attune to a very alive, healed state of consciousness, basking in its vibrational field. 

When I started my NKH training, Raechel was my teacher. I asked her to be my healer, knowing intuitively “I was in good hands.“ I am so blessed with her wisdom and love. She brought clarity into my life. She helped me to see and heal my wounding, see myself as a presence of G-D, and become a healer myself.
— Yvette Cantori
Working with Raechel has truly been a gift from G-D. Her insight, tenderness, wisdom, courage, and breath and zest for life, have truly inspired me in my own journey. As a woman, she stands tall and proud among us. Her journey through healing is an inspiration.
— Flo Marshak