Out of all the counselors I have had during my 80 years, Raechel has understood me the most completely. I have learned much about myself during her dream and spiritual workshops, as well as gleaning wisdom from the help she gives to others in her groups.
— Susan Logan

For the past thirty years I have been creating workshops on spiritual and dream themes and for the past seven years I have been leading retreats in several countries.  These retreats are 5-7 days in length and are by invitation. Below you will see some of the themes and places where these have been held. 

If you would like to be on my mailing for future workshops and retreats, please click the button below to send me your information and what interests you.  

upcoming retreats


Pendle Hill, near Philadelphia

Dates:  April 19-24, 2020

It is hard to have hope. It is harder as you grow old,
for hope must not depend on feeling good…
hope is harder when it cannot come by prediction
any more than by wishing…

Find your hope, then, on the ground under your feet…

— Wendell Berry

Finding and sustaining hope is essential for our spiritual, emotional and physical well being. It is important for our being able to go-on-being. And the world around us needs our hope.  

When the world is trying to change and change is being strongly resisted, do you lose hope, do you think that your contribution is not enough? When hope feels elusive, do you grasp onto solutions? Do you disconnect in an attempt to avoid what is happening?  

How resilient is your hope?  

How sustainable?  

To be part of the transformation of the world we need to be emotionally connected to the world, without succumbing to the darkness.  The hope we are seeking naturally changes our brains. It releases neurochemicals that are very helpful to handling difficulties.

Hope shines light in darkness.

During our five day retreat, we will explore hope through your questions, your dreams, your stories, from poets and our collective wisdom. While hope will be our overarching theme, there will be ample space for your individual healing process. As always, poetry, dreams and creative exploration will deepen our process as we practice being more present and awake in our daily lives.   

Pendell Hill, the setting for this retreat, is perfect not only because it has been a Quaker center of spiritual, intellectual and creative learning for 85 years, but also because of its beauty and consciousness with food and nature.  

  • Nourishing and delicious farm-to-table cuisine [including gluten free, vegetarian and vegan meals]

  • A 24-acre campus with beautiful grounds for meditation and contemplation; a labyrinth, organic garden, a bamboo grove and pond, walking trails, and an art studio

Being able to explore Hope within a small community of conscious seekers is a special opportunity.  I hope you will be able to be here. 


Peralta, Tuscany

May 11-16, 2020

And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so?
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved,
To feel myself
Beloved on the earth.
— Raymond Carver

In a romantic setting in Tuscany, Italy, we will explore your soul's aspiration and your relationship to saying yes to life. 

Life is continually surprising us with unexpected events and challenges. How do you approach life? Do you awake each morning, saying Yes?  Do you wrestle your way through doubts? When are you afraid or resistant to say Yes to what you didn’t expect? How can you move from reluctance and anxiety to acceptance and embracing the new dawn, the next surprise?  

We will explore the ways we resist life and the many ways of saying yes. I will offer you spiritual and creative exercises, poems and my wisdom and intuition. I will help you uncover the guidance of your dreams. As a group we will create a safe, loving environment in which to deepen our trust in life.

Peralta is the perfect atmosphere for this retreat  The creator of this place, sculptor Fiore de Henriquez visited a crumbling village on this mountainside in 1967 and had a vision of a place where she could work and create.  She said, Yes, when she purchased this tiny village with no running water and electricity and set about building a road to it and modernizing all the houses. To fund the renovations she undertook a speaking tour of the United States. Since her death in 2004, Peralta has been lovingly maintained by Dinah and Kate. 

Location:  Peralta, a secluded hamlet above the valley of Camaire, behind the coast in northern Tuscany, about 45 minutes north of Pisa which is the closest international airport.

Past Workshops:

Gift of Longing

Fulfilling Your Existence

The Golden Repair

Following your Soul Along Its Unpredictable Path

Shame in the Shadows: How We Hide Our True Light

Dreams as Soul Renewal

The Portrait of Your Life

Writing Your Dream Memoir

past Poetry Salons [poems and meditation]:

The Call to Nourishment

From Dawn to Dusk: An Exploration of Life’s Potentials 

An Arsenal of Poems: An Afternoon of Spiritual Nourishment 

Past Retreats

Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.  SUSTAINING YOUR DREAMS

Mayto, Mexico. LIVING FROM HEART CONSCIOUSNESS: a spiritual dream retreat

Patzcuaro, Mexico. THE OPEN PATH: a spiritual dream retreat


Normandy, France.  LIVING YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE: a spiritual retreat